Monday, 22 June 2015

What are northern lights or Aurora Borealis

Ever wondered, what is that bright dancing light on the North Pole?   Where does it come from or is a miracle of God. We don’t know whether it’s a God’s miracle or not, but it’s a miracle indeed for the spectators. In simple words, The Aurora Lights result of electrically charged particles from the sun entering into earth’s atmosphere. These lights are popularly known as the’ Aurora Borealis’.

Auroras that are visible in the northern hemisphere are known as ‘Aurora Borealis’ or simply ‘Northern Lights’, and the Aurora that transpire in the Southern hemisphere are called ‘Aurora Austarlis’ or simply ‘Southern Lights’.   

Aurora lights are visible in numerous colors such as red, yellow, blue, but the pale green and pink are most common color shades. The miraculous part of the Aurora lights is the patterns it creates in the sky in the forms of arcs or as the scattered colors on the expressionist painter’s canvas.

Its so fantastically amazing that simple science between colliding gases in the earth’s atmosphere can create the such a magnificent sight.  Colors of Aurora depend upon the colliding gases. Aurora lights extended from 80 kilometers top as high as 600 kilometers over the earth’s surface.